Dr. Keith McLeod


Dr. Keith McLeod

Dear Friends,

Truly, decisions are a very important part of our lives. Soon after birth we begin exercising our own will and desires, all of which require decision making. Many decisions are temporary and meet seemingly insignificant wants and needs. Then, there are those decisions that are more significant and will have an everlasting effect on a person throughout his life and eternity.

The most important decision
people can make
in this life is when they
realize they are sinners in
need of a Savior, and they
invite Jesus Christ, God's Son,
into their hearts as Lord and Savior.

After becoming a Christian, another very important decision is the selection of a church home that will meet their spiritual needs as they grow in the ways of the Lord.

Whatever your age, single or married, with or without children; hopefully this web site will give you an overview of what opportunities Boynton Baptist Church in Ringgold, Georgia has to offer you and your family.

One of our mottoes is "There's something for everyone at Boynton Baptist Church".

As always, we cordially invite you to come and see firsthand what God has done and is doing at Boynton Baptist Church.

"A Caring and Friendly Fellowship!".


Dr. Keith McLeod